Welcome to the Mad Scientist's Class

A Human mind + Hate + Anger = Weapon of Mass Destruction Instruments

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hikayat Nujum Sang Kancil

Alkisah sang kancil datang mengadap Sultan Firaunnnn....

Sang kancil mengadu bahawa ia sangat lapar dan sudah tiga hari- tiga malam mencari makanan namun masih
belum ketemu.

Sultan Firaun lalu bertitah "Beta boleh beri kamu makan dengan syarat kamu jawap 4 masa'elah dengan betul"

Masa'elah pertama:

"Terdapat sebatang titi yang diraut cantik. Yang manakah pangkal dan yang manakah tengah?"

Masa'elah kedua:
"Ada beribu-ribu semut yang merangkak. Bagaimana hendak mengetahui yang mana yang rendah, yang mana yang tinggi?"

Masa'elah ketiga:

"Di manakah terletaknya kekuatan Datuk Laksamana Hang Tuah. Di keris 16 luk taming sari nya kah? Atau di kuasa gelang magnetnya kah?"

Masa'elah keAmpat:

"Satu, banyak-banyak. Dua, ramai-ramai. Tiga, jarang-jarang. Empat, selalu ada. Apakah ia?"
Sultan Firaun juga bertitah "Andai kata kamu tidak boleh menjawap walaupun satu masa'elah, sesungguhnya kamu akan disembelih untuk dibuat sate..."
And they all life happily ever after.. The end .Firaun mana ada pakai Sultan daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..............
Good Luck and those who are in my class, ramai yang tidak menghantar individual assignment dan membayar hutang buku.
Esok saya akan pamerkan nama2 yang masih belum membayar hutang buku di fakulti dan lif2 yang ada.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Notes for Signal Conditioning Lecture

Dear Students,

The notes for our latest lecture signal conditioning can be downloaded here.

Please be informed that the note is not comprehensive and you need to refer to the textbooks and also some reference books.

How's is the project going?

We will have a presentation session at the Final Week...Good Luck.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New notes and Project Work

Dear Students,

This is the notes for transducer..

As brief on Friday, here is the list of project and its descriptions

I will decide the group on Monday during class time.

This is the individual assignment question. Please download it here

Make SURE you do it and submit to me by WEEK 14!. no delays or else.....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sorry terlambat

Dear Students,

I forgot bout the tutorial 1..sorry. please download and try to do your homework. 2 kredit pun..tapi history tell a different story.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Semester ...New Faces

Dear Students,

Since the elearning system is not up to the mark yet, please keep update with this blog for notes and tutorials

the course outline has been revised by Mr Fazli a bit , but the overall context is still the same. Download here

And as for the notes, this is the notes for  lecture 1 and  lecture 2.

I really do advise you all to purchase your own textbook, Wheeler and Ganji. It cost RM 70. To those who have used C.D Johnson book, its ok u can keep using those but at some phase u might need to refer to Wheeler and Ganji book for explaination and examples.